Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Cinderella Virus

  I was sitting on my veranda today, drinking my coffee, watching the neighborhood come and go...minding my own business...when the wizard dropped by for a quick chat. Merlin is like that...one never knows when he is in the neighborhood.

He was on his way to rectify a situation or two that had cropped up regarding the Cinderella virus.

As usual, he was in a hurry and couldn't stay for a nice, long visit.  I offered him a quick cup of coffee, but no. He insisted on telling me his latest news quickly, succintly. In as few words as possible.

"The Cinderella virus has broken out again.  I need to set a few things straight."
With that intensely serious expression on his face that only wizards could muster, he looked at me straight in the eye as he explained the reason that brought him to my neck of the woods.
 "Have you noticed any symptoms showing up around here?"

Well, that took me by surprise. I wasn't sure if I did or I didn't see any symptoms....
"I don't think that I know what a Cinderella virus is, first of all."

That frustrated Merlin no end.  I wasn't much of a help if I had never heard of the virus before...He probably thinks I live in a cave.

So, I sat down, cup in hand, and he sat down across from me to relieve me of my ignorance.  Even though Merlin was in a hurry, obviously he found it more pressing to explain the situation to me and risk running late rather than to strictly follow the timing that he had set out for himself today.

Apparently there is a virus that we all need to know about, he said.  Not just one virus, actually we need to be on alert for different strains of viruses- all coming from the same source - from fairy tales.

Merlin explained that fairy tales live in the informational realm. They exist the way they were told, living in little bubbles that connected in creative ways making fairomolecules. These fairomolecules live in the informational realm which is in our atmosphere.... So as we speak now, Peter Pan is having his escapades with his London friends, Alice is having a rather trippy tea party and a princess somewhere is risking sciatica due to a pea under one of her mattresses.

Fairy tales are meant to be enjoyed in a particular way.  Children need to experience them by being read to.  They also need to be able to see them in books...with plenty of beautiful illustrations. When they pick up the books and begin to read, they can be transported to marvelous places.

But for that to happen, the air has to be clean, so the fairy tales can live on and on in their special bubbles...and float about our atmosphere in the fairomolecules.

Well, it appears that society has been infected with a sooty type of film...dark and dingy, yet fine as silk and sticky.  Merlin explained to me that this film has been sticking to many parts of society like an intricately spun web.  And you know who was responsible for that? The two famous sisters, Greedela and Meanette.

Yes, they spent a few hundred years spinning a finely spun fiber made of greed, hate, and envy particles.  They had this fascination with the myth about Theseus and Ariadne. It wasn't Theseus, Ariadne or the labyrinth that struck their fancy.

It was the minotaur.  They thought he was fascinating. Well, Greedela and Meanette weren't known for their good taste.  They sought to do the fiber thing like Ariadne and Theseus, hoping that they could meet their minotaur. After all, if unwinding the ball of fibrous thread lead Theseus to the minotaur, wouldn't doing the same thing lead the uncouth sisters to the minotaur as well?

So they spun the fiber and wound it in a huge ball.  But the fiber was dirty, sticky and sooty, embellished with carefully strung particles of bad taste, bad manners and a penchant for sugar laden food and drink.

Not having a labyrinth to go to, they decided to improvise in the air.
They took a ride on their broom, a labyrinthine ride...up, down, right, left, up, down, right, left....up, down, right, left...ad nauseam.

As they rode they unwound the fiber and let it fly and land wherever it would go. Here is the critical point.  The fiber, being ever so fine, is hardly noticeable. And it was very, very sticky. So it was sticking all over everything....but the weakness for sugar in the fibers caused this fiber to seek out and stick to the fairomolecules.

Over time, this has caused the fairomolecules to become genetically modified. And we are breathing in many of these genetically modified fairomolecule particles....

So, it appears that lately, the Cinderella fairomolecule is showing some disturbing mutations.  And these mutated fairomolecules are in the atmosphere, mingling with the gases in the air we breathe. 

As Merlin explained to me all of this...I realized I was listening with my ears and mouth...I'm telling you, when it gets interesting, I just find myself with my mouth open....not too much...just enough, though....interesting conversations and/or stuffy noses do it all the time.

But as I was saying, Merlin explained that we are at risk of breathing in the mutated Cinderella fairomolecules.  And that means that we can start to exhibit evil step mother traits in our day to day existence. Some of us will be leaving our cell phones behind by accident somewhere, instead of our glass slipper.  And, the worst form of the virus, should it hit, is that people may begin to feel oppressed and abused like Cinderella.....

So if you see anyone looking around for their 'special someone', like the prince in the story....it could be genuine....or it could be an attack of the Cinderella virus.
So, the conversation with Merlin took place today.. this morning.
Last I heard, tonight...just a little while ago, Merlin with help from teams of specialists, found the way to remedy the problem.  The word is out that a cure has been found.  If infected with the Cinderalla virus, the remedy is:

Two pieces of pumpkin pie served on a glass dish, to be eaten after sweeping and scrubbing the house. Repeat as often as necessary....

p.s.. .....  word is out that the worst manifestations of the Cinderella virus was kept hush - hush, as to not create fear and panic in the population.  It seems that some people were breathing in the mutated fairomolecule and began to exhibit fairy godmother mutations.  Illusions of being able to manifest things that they want, of knowing how to create their reality and other similar hallucinatory effects have been recorded.  Authorities say that over time, the pumpkin pie cure works for the fairy godmother strain of the virus as well - but a few chia seeds sprinkled on top will help these more severe cases.

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