Monday, August 12, 2013

tea at the potion maker's

"Rose petals, jasmine petals, mix them all with peony.
          Chrysanthemum and vetiver, the petals sing in harmony."

Eartha was reciting her directions, out of habit, as she was gathering the petals from their respective bowls and gently combining them and spreading them out onto the large tray.

Okay. She finished the task at hand.

The layout of the petals mixed with the vetiver leaves and roots was as beautiful as a mosaic that graced Byzantium or Pompeii. But these were not there to create art. They were being assembled, first to be dried and then to be used in a wonderful potion.

 Making this potion is quite time consuming, because she needs to also add the perfect combination of crushed gems from the earth along with a sprinkling of stardust - both nurturing nutrients from Gaia and from the sky. God's creation is overflowing with healing and soothing properties. This potion is used to cleanse the mind from toxic thoughts and toxic bits of energies strewn about and planted by others...

Eartha worked the backroom - the workroom- at the Potion Maker's.  She was the assistant to the potion maker, a position that took years and years of study, and Eartha is now in charge of the process of formulation.

The potion maker herself, leaving the backroom in Eartha's capable hands, works the front room only now - conversing with her visitors, seeing what they needed and deciding what remedy needs to be formulated. The front room is where she received everyone -  her personal guests as well as the visitors who were seeking potions. In her potions, she only used beautiful ingredients found in our galaxy that are meant to help us mend our mind, body and soul. This is her way of serving God.

I know that the Potion Maker's place is in a big city, but its slightly off world, if you know what I mean.

You can't locate it physically, but it is readily accessible for those who are "portal - ready" or "portal-savvy", - they can visit her any time.  People, regular earth people, have been going there for ages....

Why am I writing about this? ...Ah,...I tend to ramble away wherever my thoughts take me...but, I remember....

It was a bit past three when I glanced at the clock this afternoon, and immediately I was reminded of tea being served at the potion maker's.... the afternoon tea time at the Potion maker's was never exact or punctual - it depended upon the workload and the visitors - but it was always, always served daily, sometime between three and four.

Today, Eartha took her afternoon break just after tending to the flowers and vetiver grass....because tea time was now upon them.  It was Eartha's job to tend to the tea...

Tea at the Potion Makers was a guaranteed event - anyone who had the opportunity of being at Raja's in the afternoon loved tea time there.

 The tea was made from freshly brewed tea leaves, strewn with beautiful flowers from their own garden.

Tea was always prepared in the workroom and served in the frontroom -

The frontroom of the place was gorgeous - prints, colors, jars brimming with color - just lovely.

 But the star of the front room, to me, was the red sofa.

This red sofa has heard conversations which even the wildest imagination couldn't possibly dream up. Who has sat there, and what was discussed on that sofa with the potion maker herself, is simply fascinating....

It's this type of conversation that one listens to with their mouth.

Did you ever observe people when they are engaged in interesting conversation ?
They tend to leave their mouths open as they listen to the others speak.

It was said that this sofa has resided in many palaces on our planet, it has graced many a salon - and somehow it made its way to the off world potion maker's place.

I seem to remember something about that sofa being a gift to the potion maker from someone in the 1700's.

There was a very wealthy woman, a Countess, living in France at the time, and she was absolutely thrilled and satisfied with the work that was done for her at the potion maker's.  So she gifted them with a few things as a token of appreciation.

 You see, the potion maker doesn't accept currency - that is unacceptable - nor does she usually accept gifts.  She likes to do her work for free.  But she did accept the sofa, as to not offend the Countess.

There is another gift that Raja, the potion maker, had accepted - not from the Countess, but from someone else...It was a tea set.

The tea cups along with the tea pot were actually brought over from China by Marco Polo and were presented as a gift, by Marco Polo himself, to someone in Venice. The family that received this set treasured it.  As a result, the set was handed down from generation to generation - until someone in the family decided to present this very set to Raja, the potion maker, to show their sincere gratitude for the assistance that she had given them.

So, this particular tea set was used for the front room tea. And tea was always served on the beautiful little table in front of the red sofa.

There were always visitors popping in and out of the front room - from anywhere you can imagine - from all different worlds, many from earth too...But today's guest was someone that Eartha was very excited about.  Tea time at Raja's was one of her favorite moments of the day, and nothing could make it more special than to have tea with Raja and a beautiful angel named Azurene.

Azurene was there for tea today...So Eartha was getting everything ready for a special wasn't just the cup of warm fragrant tea that warmed the hands, heart and soul... but it was the extras that came with it that Eartha wanted to "breathe in", namely : Raja's wisdom and grace and Azurene's comfort and strength.

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